August 31, 2016 - is a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence regarding the potential benefits and adverse … Adverse effects of medications reported in included studies were mild or moderate, but the ability of … term, harms reported in the studies were generally mild or moderate and fairly immediate in nature:
Adverse … events frequently reported with risperidone included weight gain, sedation, and somnolence. … Adverse events associated with mixed amphetamine salts included sleep delay, insomnia, and anorexia.
September 13, 2016 - events 15,16 , and that its benefits may not persist after treatment has been discontinued 17,18 . … Event Rating Scale and other scales, incidence of any adverse events, GI adverse effects/discomfort, … withdrawal symptoms, dropouts due to adverse events, neurological complaints, increase motor activity … KQ 2:
Safety outcomes: Pediatric Adverse Event Rating Scale and other scales, incidence of any adverse … events, GI adverse effects/discomfort, withdrawal symptoms, dropouts due to adverse events, neurological
January 01, 2008 - the cost of treatment,
the severity of diseases that HSCT is used to treat, and the prevalence of adverse … events associated
with HSCT, a comprehensive review that focuses on both benefits and harms across
January 01, 2009 - any commonly used dietary supplements decrease the
effectiveness of these medications or increase adverse … events.
March 10, 2010 - (i.e., the difference
between tam and ral on DCIS, as well as some adverse events). … This was a reasonably straightforward discussion of the adverse
events, however, the importance of the … observation that tamoxifen-
related serious adverse events in younger (premenopausal) women
is not … I believe the
presentation format of potential adverse events can alter the patient's or
provider's … The adverse events seem to be
described in ways that accentuate their probability.
December 09, 2009 - For KQ3, all reported adverse events (AE) that are directly or indirectly associated to
the intervention … Also, adverse events may occur at any point after the treatment is received (e.g., medication
adverse … events:
• AE related to the pain management intervention
• Mental status
• Health-related quality … For the questions on safety and adverse effects, in addition to the above databases, we
will search … National Library of Medicine's TOXLINE® (1965 to present), and
Canada’s Adverse Drug Reaction Database
August 01, 2013 - 1.00 to 1.91)
Hospitalization 1 (12,098) SOE = High
No difference (RR 0.97; 95% CI 0.92 to 1.03)
Adverse … No differences in liver function or other
adverse events between therapies. … No differences in liver function or other
adverse events between therapies. … events 2 (18,423) SOE = Moderate
Adverse events occurred in almost equal proportions of
patients in … events 1 (5,599) SOE = Moderate
No differences in liver function or other adverse events
January 01, 2020 - events* (e.g., electrolyte abnormalities, severe hypotension)
o Infant morbidities* (e.g … , need for calcium infusion)*
o Other clinically important adverse events* (e.g., hypotension, neuromuscular … events
• Severe infant morbidities
KQ 3
• Maternal morbidity and mortality
• Infant morbidities … events
• Adverse drug interactions
Literature Search Strategies to Identify Relevant Studies to … Effect of pre-eclampsia-eclampsia on major
cardiovascular events among peripartum women in Taiwan.
April 01, 2015 - What are the harms, including adverse events,
associated with interventions for management of
postpartum … Also, adverse
events may occur at any point after the intervention is
Figure A. … Few studies of uterine balloon tamponade reported
adverse events, and studies of embolization reported … Harms
reporting was limited to 50 studies and was difficult to
synthesize because diverse adverse events … Adverse events and longer term outcomes
associated with procedures and surgical interventions are
July 17, 2013 - Text revised as follows: “Intranasal corticosteroids do not
appear to cause adverse events associated … Text revised to state: “Potential adverse events
resulting from systemic absorption, such as impaired … events in SAR research.” … Text revised as follows: “Intranasal corticosteroids do not
appear to cause adverse events associated … Text revised as follows: “Potential adverse events resulting
from systemic absorption, such as impaired
July 01, 2016 - evidence regarding the comparative accuracy (the balance of sensitivity and
specificity) and possible adverse … Endoscopy with multiple
duodenal biopsies has a very low risk of adverse events.
1. … Overview of Clinical Research Evidence
Table 3: Summary of Findings and Strength of Evidence for Adverse … Events Associated With Invasive Diagnostic Tests
Events Test Type and No. of Studies (Na) Systematic … testing because of symptoms.
�� Evidence was also insufficient to determine the impact of
indirect adverse
April 25, 2013 - events and mortality is unclear.” … analysis included Moebus
2010 and Untch 2011 (total N=1372), however
these studies contributed no events … On-
study mortality was typically determined based on adverse event data (e.g., an
adverse event with … trials enrolling patients
with low underlying risk would be anticipated to
have few, or even no, events … Use of
risk-differences in a meta-analysis also allows the inclusion of studies where no
events occur
July 19, 2013 - events for patients with HAP, which may result in lower
health care costs. … Rates of antibiotic-related adverse events? … Rates of antibiotic-related adverse events? … Question 3
Does the evidence for morbidity, mortality, antibiotic-related adverse events, clinical … events (e.g.,
organ toxicityd)
• HAP, VAP, and HCAP
• Immunocompromised
July 30, 2015 - defines safety as " a type of process or structure whose application reduces the probability of an adverse … drug events, help with activities of daily living, fecal/urinary incontinence, depressive symptoms, … drug events, help with activities of daily living, fecal/urinary incontinence, depressive symptoms, … Thus, the outcomes targeted for prevention are often the same: falls, pressure ulcers, delirium and adverse … Medication error and adverse drug events
Common Format/ Nursing Home Compare QI
Medication management
October 28, 2010 - psychological treatments and pharmacological interventions for PTSD (and for persons exposed to traumatic events … Short- and long-term adverse effects of pharmacological treatments
Including adverse effects specific … Including adverse effects specific to various subgroups of patients with PTSD (e.g., victims of particular
August 31, 2016 - events associated with pharmacologic and/or nonpharmacologic treatments (KQ 2). … events outcomes). … The safety outcomes will be framed to help identify adverse events, including those from drug therapies … interest; that is, important characteristics are those that affect baseline (control group) rates of events … , intervention group rates of events, or both.
July 22, 2015 - defines safety as “a type of process or structure whose application
reduces the probability of an adverse … acquired infection (HAI) and
urinary tract infection, excessive weight loss, medication error and adverse … drug events, help
with activities of daily living, fecal/urinary incontinence, depressive symptoms, … acquired infection (HAI) and urinary
tract infection, excessive weight loss, medication error and adverse … Medication error and adverse drug
Common Format/ Nursing
Home Compare QI
Medication management
February 25, 2014 - No serious harms were identified in four studies that reported adverse events.
July 01, 2023 - scan
patient data for signs of clinical deterioration in order to alert a clinician of a potential adverse … .9-11 One
study found no statistical improvement in the number of rescue events but did find that the … Activation of rapid response system (a process
• Cardiorespiratory arrest
• Serious adverse … Effectiveness of continuous or intermittent vital signs
monitoring in preventing adverse events on … scan patient data for signs of clinical deterioration in order to alert a clinician of a potential adverse
August 01, 2016 - This is a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence regarding the potential benefits and adverse … Adverse effects
of medications reported in included studies were mild or
moderate, but the ability … harms reported in the studies were generally
mild or moderate and fairly immediate in nature:
�– Adverse … events frequently reported with risperidone
included weight gain, sedation, and somnolence.
�– Adverse … events associated with mixed amphetamine salts
included sleep delay, insomnia, and anorexia.
�– Atomoxetine