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    January 01, 2012 - Adverse events/harms/safety issues (i.e., pressure sores, injuries, need for repairs, need for replacement … studied could include functional abilities, comfort, and use, with the prescribed equipment, patient adverseevents, and equipment breakdowns. … Wheelchair safety—adverse reports to the United States Food and Drug Administration.
    February 01, 2013 - For KQ 3, the authors found that adverse events were uncommon and not severe enough to deter participants … Intermediate outcomes Joint function Gait function Strength Transfers Composite function Adverse … For KQ 3, the authors found that adverse events were uncommon and not severe enough to deter participants
    December 23, 2009 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS AE Adverse events AHRQ Agency for Health Related
    December 23, 2009 - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS AE Adverse events AHRQ Agency for Health Related
    July 01, 2015 - care; and (d) adherence to treatment, response to treatment, or other health outcomesb § Harms or adverse
    January 01, 2015 - Robust studies measuring outcomes such as reduced admissions, reduced returns to the ED, and reduced adverseevents while in the ED are needed to determine the cost-effectiveness of these special care environments … HoFH do not achieve acceptable lipid levels and remain at increased risk of having early coronary events … However, these costs might be offset by reduced admissions and return visits to the ED, reduced adverseevents, and improved health outcomes.
    October 01, 2016 - among patient-relevant outcomes are common; for example, effective treatments may be associated with adverse … concern”) and the 2003 ISPOR principles of good practice38 (“analytic methodology that accounts for events
    October 06, 2015 - in meta-analyses; characteristics of included studies, populations, and interventions; results; and adverseevents, if reported. … Individual Studies To minimize risk of bias in observational and noncontrolled studies addressing adverse
    April 01, 2010 - more effective than existing therapies, but it is expensive and evidence suggests that it may have adverse … safety in these same patients by exploring the association between formulary status and the risk of adverse … Ventricular arrhythmias and cerebrovascular events in the elderly using conventional and atypical
    January 01, 2021 - This may be based on sufficiency of sample size and number of events, and if these are adequate, the … Events Contraception Berenson, 20124 I vs. … to 16.1) None reported E-7 Author, Year Clinical Outcomes Patient Reported Outcomes Harms/AdverseEvents IPV Ford-Gilboe, 202011 “iCAN” I vs. … ) vs. 10.5 (2.6) NR NR E-8 Author, Year Clinical Outcomes Patient Reported Outcomes Harms/Adverse
    September 23, 2014 - rates of harms of imaging techniques…” Most do not use the term “rates of harms” and instead consider “adverseevents.” … Given current sedation use, patients are very seldom aware of any EUS intra-procedural events and rarely
    November 01, 2019 - Effect of nighttime surgery on mortality and adverse events: a systematic review and meta-analysis. … procedures under anesthesia performed at nighttime on outcomes.83 Outcomes include mortality, incidence of adverseevents (both intraoperative and postoperative); hospital length of stay; unplanned admission to the
    March 01, 2012 - studies reported that such infants were subsequently hospitalized and treated with antibiotics without adverseevents. … Although reassuring, the absence of adverse events in these studies may be partially explained by underreporting
    April 01, 2010 - As chemotherapy-related adverse effects (i.e., toxicity) may also be a more specific indicator of overly … Chemotherapy toxicity was calculated for events that occurred between the receipt of the first chemotherapy … Frequency and cost of chemotherapy-related serious adverse effects in a population sample of women … Chemotherapy toxicity was calculated for events that occurred between the receipt of the first chemotherapy
    April 01, 2012 - impairment, patient- reported outcomes, intraocular pressure, visual field loss, optic nerve damage, and adverse … case series of fewer than 100 participants, as studies smaller than this are expected to identify events … KQ6 We recorded the proportion of participants experiencing the following adverse events (adapted from
    January 01, 2010 - assessment tool. 26 Additionally, we plan to use selected items from the McHarm Tool to assess adverseevents. 27 We will supplement these tools with additional quality-assessment questions based on
    January 01, 2014 - uninterpretable because there were no standard metrics for assessing pain, quality of life, or adverse … enrolled in studies of chronic venous ulcer treatment should be monitored actively to detect any adverseevents that could be related to their treatment. … All such events should be described in the articles that report the results of such studies. … Knowledge of the reasons for losses to followup (e.g., adverse events) are useful for clinicians’ and
    February 10, 2016 - potential  to  create  enough  space  in  the  oropharynx  that   the  child  no  longer  has  obstructive  events … the  literature,  and  the  larger  sample  size  should  allow  us  to   capture  data  on  rarer  adverse …  events.      
    August 01, 2013 - Post-market events (within 2 years of FDA approval) occurred that could change the premarket projections … surgical strategies, new methods of drug delivery, or possible reductions in the complexity, cost, or adverse … invasiveness, degree of physical and mental capacity required for use, anticipated side effects, risks, adverseevents.
    December 14, 2017 - Section Comment Response TEP Reviewer #2 Executive Summary Better to say 'provided information on adverse … effects' We use the term "harms" to imply the range of adverse events captured. … We have searched for the word rate and corrected instances in which it does to refer to events per unit

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