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    March 13, 2012 - markers may be used to predict response to chemotherapy, prognosis, potential for chemotherapy-related adverseevents, or chemotherapy-related dose adjustments but are not included in the scope of this report.
    June 21, 2019 - dyslipidemia10,11 (among other chronic conditions), putting them at increased risk for cardiovascular events … Does physical activity decrease the risk for adverse outcomes of disorders associated with wheeled mobility … Framework The analytic framework illustrating the populations, interventions, outcomes, as well as the adverse
    January 01, 2012 - , Oyster ML, Williams S, Houlihan B, Lieberman JA, Cooper RA, Wheelchair Repairs, Breakdowns, and Adverse … (e) Adverse events/harms/safety issues- I suggest revising to state “need for repairs or replacement … Peer Reviewer #1 Methods The literature on wheelchair use/disuse, adverse outcomes (e.g., accidents)
    January 01, 2013 - For a single (preselected) categorical (dichotomous) outcome, we extracted the number of events (counts … Acute sinusitis Allergic conjunctivitis Helicobacter pylori infection Hepatitis C Homeopathy adverse … The accuracy of descriptions of outcomes and results data (net difference, standard error, number of events … standard error) being inaccurate from French and Chinese articles, categorical results data (number of events … Results Categorical: No. analyzed (per intervention) Free text -- Yes Results Categorical: No. events
    August 04, 2022 - • Complex overlapping medical conditions and psychosocial risk factors • Experiences of trauma, adverse … experiences, or stressful life events • Pregnant patients
  6. DRN: Report 1 (pdf file)
    July 01, 2009 - intervention - Complex, such as: 1) comparative effectiveness; 2) excess risk of a medication-related adverse … event; 3) active surveillance for adverse drug events; 4) identification of statistically unusual clusters … Potential population-based electronic data sources for rapid pandemic influenza vaccine adverse event
    November 12, 2013 - in the extraction forms for Key Questions related to intermediate outcomes, terminal outcomes, or adverseevents, and for factors affecting (modifying) the treatment effect among subgroups of patients, as … reporting (separately for each outcome of interest), number of enrolled patients, and numbers of observed events
    November 12, 2013 - sections in the extraction forms for Key Questions related to intermediate outcomes, terminal outcomes, or adverseevents, and for factors affecting (modifying) the treatment effect among subgroups of patients, as described … reporting (separately for each outcome of interest), number of enrolled patients, and numbers of observed events
    April 01, 2011 - negative thoughts, apathy, lack of energy, cognitive distortions, nihilism, and inability to enjoy normal events … Ten of the 11 experienced an adverse event.
    January 01, 2010 - surveillance positively impacts health outcomes in terms of a reduction in either infections or transmission eventsevents such as allergic reactions, other toxicities and antimicrobial resistance. … Adverse outcomes associated with Contact Precautions: a review of the literature. … Additional studies on potential adverse effects on patients of MRSA screening are unlikely to identify … Such effects on patients should not be construed as an adverse effect of screening, but rather the
    January 01, 2020 - Outcomes: o KQ 1: Rates of breastfeeding initiation; duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding, adverse … health care system- based interventions to promote and support Childbearing breastfeeding Women Adverse
    June 10, 2013 - the study about school based interventions (the largest section) “None of these studies reported on adverseevents (harms).” … Thank you. 88 TEP 1 Introduction When the adverse consequences of childhood obesity are mentioned … group the interventions. 100 TEP 3 Introduction Page 4—PICOTS framework—why is cost included as an adverse … In the analytic framework, cost is listed as an adverse effect.
    May 08, 2013 - reporting infection rates, they are simply reported for each intervention, usually in the section on adverse … We appreciate that maceration may or may not be considered an important adverse effect. … patients with pressure ulcers receiving nutrition supplementation were no more likely to experience an adverse … Further, when adverse events did occur they were reported as transient in nature.
    February 22, 2012 - Adverse outcomes or harms resulting from a quality improvement intervention are also illustrated.
    February 23, 2012 - Adverse outcomes or harms resulting from a quality improvement intervention are also illustrated.
    May 14, 2010 - more effective than existing therapies, but it is expensive and evidence suggests that it may have adverse … safety in these same patients by exploring the association between formulary status and the risk of adverse … Ventricular arrhythmias and cerebrovascular events in the elderly using conventional and atypical antipsychotic
    May 17, 2010 - As chemotherapy-related adverse effects (i.e., toxicity) may also be a more specific indicator of overly … Chemotherapy toxicity was calculated for events that occurred between the receipt of the first chemotherapy … Frequency and cost of chemotherapy-related serious adverse effects in a population sample of women with … Chemotherapy toxicity was calculated for events that occurred between the receipt of the first chemotherapy
    January 07, 2013 - rarely report the extent to which human counters and the recorders have identified the exact same events … (In this article, the authors used the Adverse Cough Outcome Survey (ACOS) that was the first generation … Yet, the lack of studies and due to the risk of adverse events, parents and child caretakers, including
    June 02, 2011 - quality assessment tool. 26 Additionally, we plan to use selected items from the McHarm Tool to assess adverseevents. 27 We will supplement these tools with additional quality-assessment questions based on recommendations

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