April 12, 2019 - dyslipidemia 10 , 11 (among other chronic conditions), putting them at increased risk for cardiovascular events … Does physical activity decrease the risk for adverse outcomes of disorders associated with wheeled mobility … Framework
The analytic framework illustrating the populations, interventions, outcomes, as well as the adverse
August 10, 2015 - all healthcare-
associated infections(HAIs) or even multidrug-resistant
organism (MDRO) transmission events … that involve
environmental surface contamination events. … to a subsequent patient room
occupant--these probably account for ~5-10% of all
MDRO transmission events … In turn, all MDRO
transmission events (or even including non-MDR
organism transmission events) have … of
microbicidal efficacy e.g. use of quaternary ammonium
compounds in mist applications but also adverse
May 18, 2011 - The quality assessment of adverse effects and harms data will be informed by the methods guidance for
June 14, 2013 - diagnosis; CUR etiology and severity; descriptions and results of clinical and intermediate outcomes and adverse
March 13, 2012 - markers may be used to predict response to chemotherapy, prognosis, potential for chemotherapy-related adverse … events, or chemotherapy-related dose adjustments but are not included in the scope of this report.
May 18, 2022 - What are the reported unintended consequences, harms, or adverse events of the
strategies used in studies
April 16, 2020 - including
information on potential harms of treatment as well as information on
withdrawals due to adverse … events.
June 03, 2024 - Collaborative Care for Perinatal Depression Among
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Women: Adverse Neonatal … Birth Events and Treatment
October 13, 2021 - approach in real-world clinical settings for
identifying patients with malnutrition and predicting
adverse … We also recommend emphasizing that future
studies need to better control for severity of risk
for adverse … detail variables that might be
contributing or mediating the relationship between
malnutrition and adverse … was implemented, it was common for
severely malnourished individuals to be overlooked
and suffer adverse … These shared core measures
have strong predictive utility for adverse clinical
October 13, 2021 - approach in real-world clinical settings for
identifying patients with malnutrition and predicting
adverse … We also recommend emphasizing that future
studies need to better control for severity of risk
for adverse … detail variables that might be
contributing or mediating the relationship between
malnutrition and adverse … was implemented, it was common for
severely malnourished individuals to be overlooked
and suffer adverse … These shared core measures
have strong predictive utility for adverse clinical
January 01, 2020 - osteoporosis and prevent bone fractures, but
these interventions sometimes have low adherence and can cause adverse … Pharmacological interventions can result in adverse outcomes,
commonly minimal trauma atypical fractures … While
bisphosphonates are a first line treatment for osteoporosis, associated adverse effects lead to … treatment discontinuation in 10-15 percent of patients.59 Common adverse effects from
bisphosphonates … Since bone outcomes take a long time to show
clinical changes and fractures are rare events, randomized
September 15, 2014 - detrusor overactivity ] (_14 UI episodes per week.”‘
These studies both include urinary retention as an adverse … the literature on botulinum injections in the treatment of
neurogenic bladder identifies that one adverse
February 22, 2012 - Sleep disturbance
Self-reported loudness
Quality of life
Adverse … Discomfort
Self-reported loudness
Quality of life
Return to “normal” work
Adverse … In addition to outcomes related to treatment effectiveness, all available data on harms or adverse effects
November 01, 2007 - The major randomized clinical trials proving the favorable effect of β-blockers on
adverse outcomes … variables previously reported to be associated with either receipt of heart failure therapies or
adverse … events in patients who have heart
failure with or without diabetes.(25) Chronic lung disease with a … Gender
and risk of adverse outcomes in heart failure. Am
J Cardiol 2004;94(9):1147-52.
24. … Chronic
kidney disease and the risks of death,
cardiovascular events, and hospitalization.
November 01, 2013 - ; the results also suggest that
higher levels of NT-proBNP predicted greater numbers of
composite events … and one study did not define a primary
endpoint.167 Patients in the BNP/NT-proBNP group had
fewer events … The study showed fewer events in the
BNP/NT-proBNP group.170
Medication use was reported … failure patients: a multi-marker
approach with high-negative predictive value to rule out long-
term adverse … events.
November 10, 2020 - , emotional function (e.g., depression, anxiety), patient satisfaction, global improvement
Harms, adverse … events, unintended consequences
Program-related outcomes
Utilization (e.g., pain-related hospital … This may be based on sufficiency of sample size and number of events, and if these are adequate, the
June 06, 2015 - care; and (d) adherence to treatment, response to treatment, or other health outcomes b
Harms or adverse
May 18, 2011 - The quality
assessment of adverse effects and harms data will be informed by the methods guidance
July 01, 2012 - Harms, including any unintended
negative consequence or adverse events for both
populations (patients
November 12, 2020 - Aging and risk of severe, disabling, life-threatening, and fatal events in the childhood cancer survivor … Medical assessment of adverse health outcomes in long-term survivors of childhood cancer.