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    January 01, 2013 - The most commonly reported adverse events AEs) were ocular hyperemia and eyelash growth.14 Among … anti-metabolites in a prospective RCT.20 Trabeculectomy with OLO compared with MMC showed no adverse … No adverse reactions were noted.
    March 03, 2014 - Changes in structure of health care delivery system (e.g., colocation of medical and psychiatric care) Adverse
    March 03, 2014 - structure of health care delivery system (e.g., colocation of medical and psychiatric care) § Adverse
    September 29, 2014 - clinical harms, it is critical to take into account the degree to which polypharmacy characterizes these events … For example, when describing the evidence base for Key Question 2 (Harms and adverse events), the authors … variation in practice” (Page 1, Line 52) and the potential influences of inappropriate practice on poor or adverse … the description of the existing high quality observational studies relating opioid dose to overdose events … Peer Reviewer 11 Introduction Structured abstract (page v): Minor point-- I generally consider adverse
    December 17, 2020 - opioid use, surgery rates Global improvement Harms (e.g., bleeding, infection, other complications), adverseevents, unintended consequences  Patient-oriented outcomes Non-validated instruments for outcomes … This may be based on sufficiency of sample size and number of events, and if these are adequate, the
    December 01, 2011 - Furthermore, the adverse impacts of ADT monotherapy may be at least as significant (or even more so … incidence is a descriptive measure of the observed population-level density (over person-time) of events … , it can only be based on the observed distribution of events (stratified by disease stage). … In this way, the considerable adverse effects of treatment are at best avoided, and at least deferred … I recommend dividing the discussion of outcomes into disease-specific findings, adverse effects of
    August 01, 2012 - and tamoxifen find that up to one-third of women discontinue use within three years of starting.7 Adverse … Both drugs seem to have similar adherence problems despite distinct adverse effect profiles.7,8 Prior
    December 03, 2019 - What are the harms or adverse events associated with these specific consumer automated-entry PGHD technologies
    March 17, 2020 - What are the harms or adverse events associated with these specific consumer automated-entry PGHD technologies
    January 10, 2020 - documentation) and costs and resource use (use of outpatient clinician services, including palliative care) Adverse … ) and costs and resource use (use of outpatient clinician services, including palliative care) Adverse
    November 21, 2019 - ) and costs and resource use (use of outpatient clinician services, including palliative care) o Adverse … documentation) and costs and resource use (use of outpatient clinician services, including palliative care) Adverse
    October 01, 2016 - Risk of suicide and related adverse outcomes after exposure to a suicide prevention programme in the … Suicidal events in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS). … Improving national data systems for surveillance of suicide-related events. … Suicidal events in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS). … Risk of suicide and related adverse outcomes after exposure to a suicide prevention programme in the
  13. Untitled (pdf file)
    December 11, 2015 - Published online: December 29, 2014; Updated, December 11, 2015 6 o side effects of intervention (e.g., adverseevents, weight changes, suicidality) o patient dissatisfaction with care 2. … therapeutic relationship • side effects of evidence-based practice incorporated into strategy (e.g., adverseevents, suicidality) • patient dissatisfaction with care 2.
    January 01, 2020 - effect estimate with respect to a given outcome, based on the sufficiency of sample size and number of events … suggested above, page 125 Paragraph 2 could include a brief mention of the need for studies to assess adverse … infant outcomes as well as adverse maternal outcomes. … Framework could be revised so that the leftmost text read “Mother- infant dyads” and the portion on “Adverse … Effects of the Intervention” included adverse infant outcomes (e.g. neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.)
    January 01, 2014 - assumption that this information will enhance safety for surgical patients and reduce liability for adverseevents.2 During the past three decades, routine preoperative testing has been challenged by several … confined to those related to the conduct of the surgical procedures and anesthesia, perioperative events … For Key Question 2, outcomes of interest included adverse events or harms related to testing, including
    July 28, 2009 - intervention Complex, such as: 1) comparative effectiveness; 2) excess risk of a medication-related adverse … event; 3) active surveillance for adverse drug events; 4) identification of statistically unusual clusters … Potential population-based electronic data sources for rapid pandemic influenza vaccine adverse event
  17. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    December 01, 2011 - Although most agents for CDI appear to be well tolerated, explicit reporting of adverse events by treatment … subgroups • Subgroup analysis may include age, gender, comorbid conditions • Explicit reporting of adverseevents KQ 4.
    September 01, 2008 - long-acting insulins potentially comes at the expense of added patient risk in terms of more hypoglycemic events … ES-2): For adults with type 2 diabetes, do premixed insulin analogues differ in regard to safety, adverse … these methods are appropriate, and caveats are noted (eg inclusion of cross over studies, but not for adverse … glycemic control with pre-mixed compared with long-acting insulin analogues and increased hypoglycemia events … For example, the rate of hypoglycemia events generally i l t t l l f l i t l h d Th t i l th t d t t
  19. #05 DEPRESSION (pdf file)
    October 01, 2014 - Ketamine was generally well-tolerated; the most common adverse effect was dissociative symptoms, only … There were no drug-related serious adverse events, adverse neurocognitive effects or clinically significant
  20. S131 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - study suggested that the way investigators apply restriction varies substantially when they examine adverse … Studying mixed prevalent and incident user cohorts will lead to under-ascertainment of early events. … Subjects Person-Years Events Event Rate Rate Ratios Unadjusted Age, Sex, Adjusted Multivariate Adjusted … pharmacoepidemiologic analy- ses of prevalent drug users should not be performed because they tend to underascertain events

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