April 24, 2019 - By far the
majority of studies made no mention of harms or
adverse events. … potential
harms makes it diff icult to w eigh the benefits of
telehealth consultations against potential adverse … events.
January 01, 2013 - measures or other surrogate variables)
Each major harm (ranging from rare, serious, or life-threatening adverse … events to common but bothersome effects)
For both benefits and harms:
Focus on the outcomes most relevant … or other surrogate variables) and each major harm (ranging from rare, serious, or life-threatening adverse … events to common but bothersome effects).
May 17, 2018 - , you did require RCTs
for treatment efficacy/effectiveness, but allows
observational studies for adverse … Adverse effects are seen even
with inert placebos, and are often related to the disorder
being treated … We
did not accept any study designs other than RCTs (and
large observational studies just for KQ4, adverse … events), but we did not find any studies that met our
November 27, 2019 - patient engagement in direct patient care is associated with significant, serious or life- threatening adverse … events. 4
Interventions, such as tailored coaching interventions that increased patient activation … http://www.ipfcc.org/events/seminars.html .
Crawford MJ, Rutter D, Manley C, et al.
May 01, 2014 - Technical features of the phConnect Web site
include discussion forums, an events calendar highlighting … ,
Coverage with Evidence
• Registry sustainability and
preventing registry fatigue
• Adverse … A calendar of events can be posted to make members aware of upcoming
Webinars and teleconferences. … These communications can inform members about new content added to the CoP,
upcoming events, or changes … This is typically one or
more pages where members can view upcoming events and recent developments
October 27, 2015 - the patient, as benefits are
likely to be higher in patients
at higher risk, given the
potential adverse … It also notes
that BCG is associated with
a high rate of adverse
January 01, 2013 - initiation (C1) is on the causal pathway between antihypertensive treatment (A0) and cardiovascular events … Investigators interested in comparing adverse effects of medications that are thought to only occur in … For example, if we were interested in comparing cardiovascular events between subjects who were completely … Comparison of logistic regression versus propensity score when the number of events is low and there
April 18, 2007 - and their health care providers decide whether and which agent to use,
differing response rates and adverse
April 16, 2024 - pathogen transmission (including MDRO;
Sepsis; ICU stay related to HAI; Length of stay;
Mortality; Adverse
December 09, 2013 - Were harms or adverse effects collected in the studies; what were they?
May 04, 2013 - since there is now solid evidence that for most
children with persistent OME there need be no fear of adverse … generalized to children for whom OME could conceivably be among a
set of risk factors that collectively have adverse … Suggested change: The issue of harms/adverse events of tubes vs. … In contrast, the SOE for all of your adverse event comparisons is
“low.” … Jack Paradise and his group published work showing no evidence of
long term intellectual adverse consequences
March 15, 2016 - I think your
efforts would have been greater served by focusing on
the adverse event differences seen … Adverse
outcomes of tacrolimus withdrawal in immune-
quiescent kidney transplant recipients. … range is high
enough to prevent rejection
but low enough to confer
protection against dose-
related adverse … events.
May 01, 2024 - and effectiveness of specific surveillance
strategies in reducing clinical infection and transmission events … concurrent or historical comparison
• No clear description of intervention
Outcome Safety
• Adverse … events and incidence of harm
Quality of care measures
• Healthcare associated infections due to … There are two options for C. difficile and MDRO reporting in NHSN–
Laboratory Identified (LabID) Events … Surveillance for healthcare-associated infections:
hospital-onset adult sepsis events versus current
February 18, 2023 - Adverse events/harms/safety issues reported
March 08, 2013 - Adverse Outcomes Associated With Smoking During Pregnancy
Smoking during pregnancy can result in significant … Otitis media
Upper respiratoryinfection
KQ 3
Harms (e.g., weight gain, emotional stress, adverse … events associated with medication to the mother orfetus)
KQ 4 & 5
Smoking cessation (biochemically … Smoking and smoking cessation during early pregnancy and its effect on adverse pregnancy outcomes and … Cigarette smoking, alcohol use and adverse pregnancy outcomes: implications for micronutrient supplementation
March 11, 2013 - Adverse Outcomes Associated With Smoking During Pregnancy
Smoking during pregnancy can result in significant … Otitis media
• Upper respiratory infection
KQ 3
• Harms (e.g., weight
gain, emotional
stress, adverse … events associated
with medication to
the mother or fetus)
KQ 4 & 5
• Smoking cessation
(biochemically … Smoking and smoking cessation during early pregnancy
and its effect on adverse pregnancy outcomes and … Cigarette smoking, alcohol use and adverse pregnancy
outcomes: implications for micronutrient supplementation
March 01, 2019 - focus on outcomes from validated measures
Function/disability/pain interference
Harms and adverse … outcomes from validated measures for
Function/disability/pain interferenced
Pain d
Harms and Adverse
April 01, 2022 - 70,000 individuals per year in the U.S. experience severe postpartum morbidities,
including cardiac events … , cerebrovascular events, postpartum hemorrhage, kidney failure, and postpartum
depression, anxiety, … posttraumatic stress disorder.4 Those who experience complications, such as cardiac and
cerebrovascular events … education regarding
o Infant care and feeding
o Reproductive life planning and contraception
o Adverse
April 25, 2022 - 70,000 individuals per year in the U.S. experience
severe postpartum morbidities, including cardiac events … , cerebrovascular events, postpartum hemorrhage,
kidney failure, and postpartum depression, anxiety, … posttraumatic stress disorder.4 Those who
experience complications, such as cardiac and cerebrovascular events … education regarding
o Infant care and feeding
o Reproductive life planning and contraception
o Adverse
July 01, 2012 - More importantly, when we identified studies reporting accuracy or adverse
events associated with a … Vacuum-assisted
procedures may be
associated with
slightly more
severe bleeding
events than
automated … Vacuum-
assisted procedures may be associated with
slightly more severe bleeding events than