February 11, 2013 - no evidence supporting pharmacotherapy (and some
indication of a need for caution due to potential adverse … Such
monitoring systems would be more akin to the surveillance function that are
reported for the adverse
February 27, 2019 - Harms and Adverse Events
a. … harms, falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cardiovascular events … harms, falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cardiovascular events
December 01, 2014 - They expressed
concerns over the potential for adverse events and contraindications. … ReShape Duo had
maintained 64% of their weight loss.6 The authors reported that no deaths, unexpected adverse … events (AEs), or balloon deflations or migrations occurred. … Intermittent blocking
purportedly reduces potential adverse effects associated with permanent nerve … Available:
October 14, 2011 - (e.g., anxiety about treatment decision, misdiagnosis resulting in overtreatment or undertreatment, adverse … events related to treatment)? … clinical harms related to the effect testing has on the biopsy decision; Link G on the right focuses on adverse … events/personal harms related to biopsy.
December 16, 2014 - We did not include this as an outcome because
we already included adverse events of any kind, so
any … increase in adverse events with hormonal
therapy should appear under adverse events.
May 01, 2020 - One caveat is that only one study
specifically addressed adverse events, reporting lower rates of complications
June 12, 2012 - noninvasive
test, ideally with a high negative predictive value in this population and
low risk of adverse … events, in order to ‘rule out’ disease.” … Executive
The authors also write: “Second, women may be uniquely susceptible
to some of the adverse … As noted above, there are no observed
“adverse effects” of radiation. … We agree, however,
that there are limited data on untoward events
in these studies.
September 20, 2013 - biopsy may result in KQ 1 outcomes
such as diagnosis of breast abnormalities, KQ 2 outcomes such as adverse … events, and KQ 3 outcomes
such as patient-relevant outcomes. … reporting (separately for each outcome of
interest), number of enrolled patients, and numbers of observed events … satisfactionQOL visual analog scale or quality of life).de. or satisf$ or QOL or
19 Adverse … events 12 and ((ae or co).fs. or cross infection or drainage or surgical wound
June 01, 2012 - Time Lag
This term refers to the time difference between genetic testing and clinically important events … in Reviews of Genetic Tests (4 of 6)
The time lag between genetic testing and clinically important events … The adverse effects of genetic testing are:
Potential effects on family members
Psychological distress … Predictive genetic tests generally have a time lag between testing and clinically important events. … genetic tests are generally characterized by a delayed time between testing and clinically important events
June 01, 2012 - Time Lag
This term refers to the time difference between genetic testing and clinically important events … in Reviews of Genetic Tests (4 of 6)
The time lag between genetic testing and clinically important events … The adverse effects of genetic testing are:
Potential effects on family members
Psychological distress … Predictive genetic tests generally have a time lag between testing and clinically important events. … genetic tests are generally characterized by a delayed time between testing and clinically important events
January 01, 2012 - experienced an average reduction of the Clinical Colitis Activity Index to 57% of
baseline, and no adverse … events were seen during the 28-week followup period, the authors reported.
In a larger study of … liters
per week from pretreatment baseline.
Nine subjects discontinued the trial because of adverse … events.
February 01, 2012 - Analytic Approach
Preference should be given to a Markov-chain, discreet events analysis. … Adjustment should be made for major outcomes and
adverse events, using rate and utility estimates. … Other outcomes of interest
will be compliance and adverse events or discomfort. … /hr versus ≥30 events/hr) or analyses of
the effect based on the predictor variable on a continuous … Clinical outcomes of interest would include incident
clinical events, quality of life, and psychological
December 31, 2019 - patient engagement in direct patient care is associated with significant, serious or
life- threatening adverse … events.4
Interventions, such as tailored coaching interventions that increased patient activation … http://www.ipfcc.org/events/seminars.html.
35. Crawford MJ, Rutter D, Manley C, et al. … 20Toolkit.pdf
November 19, 2020 - concern among patients
with advanced cancer; this systematic review aims to
assess the benefits and adverse … to focus on diarrhea in pts getting
opioids - this should be constipation which is the most
common adverse … Study reports were limited, particularly of adverse
events, and many did not report concurrent therapies … ,
supportive measures, or active therapies that could also
be contributing to the reported adverse … events that were
possibly attributed to the opioids.
October 01, 2013 - Socioeconomic data Sometimes Inferred (from zip code)
Insurance information Yes Yes
Spontaneously reported adverse … events Yes Yes
Diagnoses or procedures coded for payment No Yes
Behavioral risk factors Yes* No … Examples of trend break
events might be major database upgrades and/or
redesigns or changes in data … Other trend
break events that are outside the influence of the
maintenance organization might be medical … More gradual events can also affect the data
December 20, 2011 - Obese children and adolescents are more likely to have adverse health conditions, such as cardiovascular … food purchasing behaviors
dietary intake
food access
physical activity
sedentary behavior
Adverse … Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse
October 01, 2021 - particularly BIA-ALCL, but that is
not adequate justification for almost ignoring a
potentially fatal adverse
May 01, 2005 - Harms are defined as the “totality of possible adverse
consequences of any intervention, therapy or … studies do not specify exact protocols to actively capture events. … Study investigators may assume that patients will know when an adverse event
has occurred, accurately … Some events may be unpredictable or they occur so infrequently
relative to other milder effects that … Impugning the
integrity of medical science: the adverse effects of
industry influence.
May 01, 2005 - Harms are defined as the “totality of possible adverse
consequences of any intervention, therapy or … studies do not specify exact protocols to actively capture events. … Study investigators may assume that patients will know when an adverse event
has occurred, accurately … Some events may be unpredictable or they occur so infrequently
relative to other milder effects that … Impugning the
integrity of medical science: the adverse effects of
industry influence.
August 09, 2013 - Potential patient harms related to EUS-FNA include perforation and bleeding, pancreatitis, and
adverse … 3 P1 or P2 or
Same list as KQ 1a None • Radiation from MDCT (e.g.,
carcinogenic effects)
• Adverse … reactions to contrast agents
• Adverse reaction to
• Pancreatitis from EUS-FNA … In addition, we will search specifically
for reports of harms and adverse events associated with the