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    August 05, 2010 - test in patient management Setting where positional MRI testing was performed Outcomes assessed Adverseevents, harms and safety issues reported Comparators used (applicable only to comparative studies)
    April 03, 2014 - Sickness Impact Profile Scale 28 ; World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) 28 ] KQ2 Adverse … effects of intervention(s) Any serious adverse effects (e.g., dependence, falls, abnormal sleep behaviors … Figure 1 provides an analytic framework to illustrate the population, interventions, outcomes, and adverse … insomnia definition, method of diagnosis, and severity, descriptions and results of primary outcomes and adverse
    March 29, 2023 - nonpharmacologic treatments13 have small to moderate effects on pain and function, with some frequent adverse … Similarly, it is important to identify harms and adverse effects of PBCs. … that are similar to opioids in effect and that have the potential for addiction, misuse, and serious adverse … All KQs: Primary efficacy outcomes (i.e., pain, function, disability, pain interference); harms and adverse
    May 01, 2013 - There are significant adverse consequences of DVT and PE,1 including an estimated 300,000 fatalities … populations of interest, therapies, and intermediate and clinical outcomes we reviewed, as well as the adverse … Outcomes • Asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis • INR, PTT, Serum Factor Xa level ) KQs 6, 7, and 8) Adverse … Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia • Allergic reaction • Mechanical device complications • Infections Adverse … Enoxaparin dose adjustment is associated with low incidence of venous thromboembolic events in acute
    May 14, 2019 - together in the data abstraction to reflect the many ways individual studies discussed outcomes and adverseevents related to suicide. … together in the data abstraction to reflect the many ways individual studies discussed outcomes and adverseevents related to suicide. … Peer Reviewer #4 Appendix Table 5-10: Having multiple different adverse events clustered in a single
    June 01, 2018 - stage and sex group.5 The reference value that represents an intake above which the risk of potential adverse … DRI reports) and (3) the level of sodium intake that had shown an association in some studies with adverse … outcomes, were not powered to assess them as prespecified outcomes, and reported them instead as adverseevents … Effect of reduced sodium intake on blood pressure, renal function, blood lipids and other potential adverse
    January 01, 2011 - international in scope) PsychLit/PsychINFO (Psychology) AIDSLine (HIV/AIDS) CINAHL (Nursing) TOXNET (AdverseEvents/Toxicology) Generally, a minimum requirement for a thorough search of literature Relevo R, … events and toxicology. … Harms Searching If the specific adverse effects of interest are specified in the key questions, they … General harms subheadings for MEDLINE would include: /adverse effects /poisoning /toxicity
    August 10, 2022 - Debilitating skeletal-related events (SREs) such as pathological fractures, metastatic spinal cord compression … re-radiation • Use of pain medication, need for other interventions for pain relief Harms and adverseevents Harms (e.g., rate of radiation/treatment toxicity, radiation-induced fracture rates, reduced … mobility, reduced independence), adverse events (pain flare, radiation recall, fatigue, skin changes … This may be based on sample size sufficiency and number of events.
    June 30, 2014 - breastfeeding, sucking, weight gain) all improved post-procedure, and no studies reported significant adverse … OR “risk”[tiab] OR “risks”[tiab] OR “side-effect”[tiab] OR “side-effects” [tiab]OR ((undesirable OR adverse … ) AND (effect OR effects OR reaction OR reactions OR event OR events OR outcome OR outcomes))OR” sequelae … postoperative OR surgical OR “post operative” OR “post surgical”) AND (complication OR complications)) OR “adverse
    January 01, 2019 - No evidence of adverse pregnancy outcome after exposure to ibuprofen in the first trimester - Evaluation … Ondansetron in pregnancy and risk of adverse fetal outcomes in the United States. … Increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes for women with migraines: a nationwide population-based … Migraine with aura and reproductive life events: a case control study. … Migraine without aura and reproductive life events: a clinical epidemiological study in 1300 women.
    July 01, 2023 - infection (CLABSI), catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), ventilator associated pneumonia/events … Cost • Unintended effects o Patient mental health/social isolation/satisfaction o Noninfectious adverse … CLABSI) o Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) o Ventilator-associated pneumonia or events
    January 01, 2020 - The authors should bring the issue of changing the definition of 'mild GDM' as a 'risk factor' of adverse … I looked at the data from the paper and it appears that the number of events (macrosomia >4000 gms) … Therefore, for figure 25 events should be 25 instead of 148 for GDMs and 905 instead of 6695 for No … This is a very important suggestion as maternal BMI/weight gain are more/equally important for adverse … Research indicates that IGT and GDM carry similar risks of adverse outcomes.
    October 08, 2014 - U.S. adults report recent (in the last three months) low back pain. 1,2 Low back pain can have major adverse … Global improvement Number of back pain episodes or time between episodes Patient satisfaction Adverse … Analytic Framework The analytic framework illustrates the population, interventions, outcomes, and adverse
    June 23, 2011 - low-value services, bundled payment could lead to underuse of appropriate services, with potential adverse … effects on the risk profiles of treated patient populations, since risk selection is a potential adverse … Studies may report on this as a measure of a potential adverse effect of bundled payment on risk selection
    October 01, 2011 - • Prediction markets allow users to forecast outcomes of future events and provide a space for users … health can be used, for example, to estimate future demand for a particular treatment or forecast events … Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Stark regulations for hospitals and issues related to off-label use and adverseevents of medications, as well as discoverability, privacy and confidentiality. … Examples include community events (e.g., town hall meetings, health fairs), involving the local press
    November 01, 2013 - life; they may also involve known or potential harms, such as occurrences of serious and troubling adverseevents and inconveniences. … Low (decreased cholesterol by 2.1%) Radiology test RCT: 0 No eligible studies Insufficient Adverse … table outcomes into the following main categories: major, other patient-centered, intermediate, and adverseevents.
    January 01, 2014 - testing Treatment Options See Tables A -C for possible interventions and comparisons AdverseAdverse Events The six studies that reported on adverse events did not find substantial differences … For none of the advanced wound dressings was there a systematic assessment of harms or adverse events … This substantially differs from the studies of regulated pharmaceuticals, which carefully record adverseevents.
    April 20, 2015 - 2b: In patients with a renal mass suspicious for stage I or II renal cell carcinoma, what are the adverse … o Diagnostic test-related outcomes o False positives o False negatives o Radiation exposure o Adverse … effects of percutaneous renal mass sampling: o Pain o Hemorrhage o Tumor Seeding o Adverse effects … Diagnostic Test-Related Outcomes: • False positives • False negatives • Radiation exposure Adverse … kidney disease o Incidence of end-stage renal disease • Overall survival • Quality of Life Adverse
    March 16, 2017 - ambulation o Other patient-centered ambulatory function measures o Exclude biomechanical measures • Adverse … Outcomes • Functional, patient-centered, and ambulatory outcomes per KQ 4 • (Not adverse … 4; characteristics) Final Outcomes (KQ 3, 4, 5. 6, 7; characteristics) KQ 3, 4, 5: KQ 4: Adverseevents § KQ 6: Satisfaction KQ 7: Bipedal ambulation Prostheis use only for transfers
    March 19, 2013 - pharmacological treatments, including relative decrease in treatment adherence and withdrawal due to adverseevents Impaired growth and maturation Self-injury and suicide-related behaviors Increased disruptive

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