September 02, 2011 - Adverse effects, including but not limited to effects of sedation or anesthesia
Timeframe … Adverse effects, including but not limited to pain, infection, hematoma, and edema
Long-term (more … Adverse outcomes (harms) will also be captured and
December 23, 2014 - treatment and followup duration or have indeterminable numerators and denominators for outcomes and adverse … demographics, method of diagnosis, enrollment, and severity, descriptions and results of primary outcomes and adverse … One can use case series, but they have no controls and the rate of “adverse events” among placebo groups … Placebo--efficacy and adverse effects in controlled clinical trials.
December 23, 2014 - treatment and followup duration or have
indeterminable numerators and denominators for outcomes and adverse … demographics, method of diagnosis, enrollment, and severity, descriptions and results of
primary outcomes and adverse … One can use case series, but they have
no controls and the rate of “adverse events” among placebo groups … Placebo--
efficacy and adverse effects in controlled
clinical trials.
January 15, 2016 - Why are we mentioning imaging if you
are not discussing possible adverse events. … this
The 2 comparative studies addressing imaging that met criteria for the
review did not discuss adverse … vast majority of these retrospective studies, there
is no specific monitoring performed for potential adverse … Timolol studies, no harms were reported
but most of these did not do any specific
monitoring for adverse
February 01, 2018 - Coalition in the United States is
an example of committed patients creating a registry of perceived adverse … events in order to
empower people to take control of their own medical treatments and safety.51 While … direct
attribution of these adverse events to medical errors may not be possible or appropriate, a … medical
events has on patients and their families”, and notes that other studies of medical errors, … A
patient-initiated voluntary online survey of
adverse medical events: the perspective of
696 injured
February 01, 2018 - Coalition in the United States is
an example of committed patients creating a registry of perceived adverse … events in order to
empower people to take control of their own medical treatments and safety.51 While … direct
attribution of these adverse events to medical errors may not be possible or appropriate, a … medical
events has on patients and their families”, and notes that other studies of medical errors, … A
patient-initiated voluntary online survey of
adverse medical events: the perspective of
696 injured
January 01, 2012 - experienced an average reduction of the Clinical Colitis Activity Index
to 57% of baseline, and no adverse … events were seen during the 28-week followup period, the
authors reported.
In a larger study of … events. … Some experts were also unsure if reductions in PN
would be enough to outweigh adverse events observed … events contrasted
against the modest reductions in PN.
November 01, 2012 - • No adverse events, except for a few cases of nausea,
were reported in the trial evaluating bupropion … Risk of withdrawal due to adverse events
appeared to differ between dopamine agonists (I2=73%,
p=0.02 … events were reported. … events, and augmentation). … About half of withdrawals were due to adverse events,
including augmentation; 20 percent to 30 percent
January 01, 2012 - events, which would require its own expensive treatment
and followup. … events and avoiding drug interactions while
patients are taking HCV therapy. … One clinical expert stated that the ability to manage adverse events
will be a crucial factor determining … No
adverse events were reported from FMT.
FMT is being implemented in a limited number of research … Adverse events were similar in both trials and not
different among the treatments.
In another
May 31, 2023 - stratifying
patients to 24 hours versus less time on magnesium may preclude
such a study, as the risk of an adverse … (early
diagnosis), continuity and continued follow-up of care, affordability
of care, medication adverse … that central pulse pressure was 50%
better than brachial pulse pressure in predicting cardiovascular
December 11, 2012 - Since the morbidity of liver-directed therapies is minimal and
rarely persistent, adverse effects of … This comment has been noted and the adverse
events for liver failure and biloma in the study by
Vogl … As our conclusion states
we believe the most important outcomes to be
overall survival, QOL and adverse … events.
November 08, 2011 - Our review will include an
assessment of adverse effects or harms associated with pressure ulcer treatment … treating a pressure
ulcer against another provide direct evidence of comparative effectiveness and adverse
May 01, 2013 - is the comparative effectiveness of aspirin
and other antiplatelet agents in reducing the
risk of adverse … What are the significant safety concerns associated
with each treatment strategy (e.g., adverse drug … What are the significant safety concerns associated
with each treatment strategy (e.g., adverse drug … What are the significant safety concerns associated
with each treatment strategy (e.g., adverse
drug … Some RCTs
reported adverse events such as rash and wound leak.
August 15, 2023 - events related to treatment*
• Neuroimaging (e.g., functional MRI)
Potential Effect Modifiers … , functional impairment, family
accommodation, quality of life, and acceptability of treatment and adverse … events related to
treatment. … and home/family domains
• Family accommodation
• Quality of life
• Acceptability of treatment
• Adverse … events related to treatment
Literature Search Strategies to Identify Relevant Studies to Answer
June 01, 2013 - was weaned from PN support.31
The prescribing information states that the most commonly reported adverse … events occurring in
more than 10% of patients taking teduglutide were: abdominal distension, abdominal … events observed, although one expert representing a clinical perspective stated that decreasing PN … acceptance for teduglutide could be limited because of the need for
daily injections and potential adverse … events contrasted against the modest reductions in PN.
Health care delivery infrastructure
March 29, 2016 - arbitrary
reference standards (e.g., 50% or 70% stenosis of a
coronary artery) when the risk of adverse … events bears a
continuous relationship with degree of obstruction. … It would also be useful to include the respective in
incidence of events so that the reader might be … aspect of the tests
included complications of the testing (e.g. renal failure,
allergic reactions, and adverse … , there is not an explicit statement that
vascular complications including stroke are included as
October 18, 2010 - events
associated with this therapy.†
* Also see: Witter … While we
agree there might be benefits to investigating serious and rare adverse events in an
hypothesis … events
Maternal side effects (pulmonary edema, heart failure, arrhythmia,
myocardial infarction, … Further, data will be extracted as number of patients with an event (as opposed to
number of events) … For rare outcomes,
only studies with events recorded will be included in combined estimates.
March 01, 2012 - or instruments used to capture all possible adverse events
can be problematic. … with adverse events; however, these criteria are applicable to other interventions,
although no formal … that allow for
reproducible ascertainment (what adverse events were being
investigated and what constituted … Were SERIOUS events precisely defined?
3. Were SEVERE events precisely defined?
4. … Adverse
effects. In: Higgins JPT, Green S, eds.
July 01, 2014 - proxy decisionmaker and offer some general values and
preferences or care goals for various potential events … likelihood of real benefits from different types of care and interventions and the probability of
adverse … events from treatment. … Were harms or adverse effects collected in the studies; what were they?
f. … Only those with
advanced illness or at high risk of catastrophic health events are encouraged to seek
January 01, 2012 - They also subject patients to
risks of adverse events, some of which could be serious.