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    January 01, 2008 - Future projects related to this implementation might include colleting patient self reports of adverseevents, or collection of hospital discharge data that indicate admissions due to adverse ambulatory … events.
    January 01, 2017 - its impact on patient care was reflected by decrease of productivity and increase of potential for adverseevents. … high level of complexity in the ED is one major factor that contributes to potentially preventable adverse … For example, representing time in clinical care encompasses a number of different descriptions of events
    January 01, 2014 - providers felt that meeting the criteria would reduce duplicative utilization of diagnostic tests (78%), adverse … drug events (70%), and hospital admissions and readmissions (57%) Table 4. … 12% 12% A reduction in duplication of ordered labs and other diagnostic tests A reduction in adverse … drug events A reduction in hospital admissions and readmissions* Strongly/somewhat agree 78%
    March 01, 2024 - Routinely collected administrative data such as patient satisfaction surveys or adverse event reporting
    January 01, 2011 - documenting exceptions (i.e., patient refusals, inability to afford medications, and contraindications or adverse … regularly enter patient reasons (i.e., refusals, inability to afford services) and medical reasons (i.e., adverseevents, relative contraindications).
    January 01, 2022 - Purpose Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are preventable adverseevents that are responsible for 5–14% of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in hospitalized patients, are
    May 23, 2007 - to ensure that the risk of all damages and costs arising from the contractually defined event or events
    May 23, 2007 - to ensure that the risk of all damages and costs arising from the contractually defined event or events
    January 01, 2014 - This included the PI’s thoughts and impressions of observed events, and issues and questions to pursue … The PI used field notes to gather reports of events and interactions of interest, as well as individual … interpretations and possible meanings these events might have for participants. … Three types of change events that brought about evolution for the nurses in this study are described … Themes surrounding novice nurse near-miss and adverse-event situations.
    December 01, 2017 - Identifying very high or very low metabolizers can prevent toxic events and excessive dosing [44]. … This is a relatively new area for CDS, however, compared to well-established targets such as adverse … drug events and health maintenance. … Building a Dashboard to Identify Patients at High Risk for Adverse Drug Events Related to Opioids [abstract … from dashboard-to-identify-patients-at-high-risk-for-adverse-drug-events-related-to-opioids
    November 14, 2014 - In general, if the measure is capturing rare or infrequent events, perhaps because HIE usage is low … emergency department), you will need to make many observations in order to observe a sufficient number of events … For example, you might want to know whether your implementation reduces adverse drug events. … Data mining is used to uncover trends, predict future events and assess the merits of various courses
    February 20, 2014 - home visits with the aim of increasing appropriate monitoring for high-risk medications and reducing adverse … drug events, hospital readmissions, and ED visits com- pared to the baseline period. … are critically important for patients with complex health care needs, as there is increased risk of adverseevents (e.g., medication interactions, new or worsening symptoms, transfer to a higher intensity care … whose primary care providers and care managers received notifications of specific care transition events
    March 23, 2022 - The artifacts were related to shared decision making, hypertension, adverse drug interactions, and chronic … February 2019. clinical-decision-support-authoring-tool … Learning Network Patient Experience Blog. 2018. … The effect of computerized physician order entry with clinical decision support on the rates of adverse … drug events: a systematic review.
    January 01, 2017 - Potential additional safety-oriented content includes: (1) reporting adverse events, such as worsening
    January 01, 2007 - A longitudinal computer-maintained record can help to alleviate gaps and consequent adverse events
    July 01, 2012 - The impact of electronic medical records data sources on an adverse drug event quality measure. … ode/188 Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse … vaccine event detection and reporting to the National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS … preventive and disease management care for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the occurrence of disease events … Drug Events in Ambulatory Pediatrics: Ambulatory and Safety Quality Program: Enabling Quality Measurement
    July 01, 2012 - The impact of electronic medical records data sources on an adverse drug event quality measure. … ode/188 Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse … vaccine event detection and reporting to the National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS … preventive and disease management care for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the occurrence of disease events … Drug Events in Ambulatory Pediatrics: Ambulatory and Safety Quality Program: Enabling Quality Measurement
    June 05, 2014 - described her current state of health, mother’s medical history, and a chronology of medical and life eventsAdverse events after immunisation with aluminium-containing DTP vaccines: systematic review of the evidence
    January 26, 2006 - prevent a physician from adequately documenting a patient’s condition and may potentially lead to adverse … The user is under the observation of a trained usability expert who records the events of the session … Remote evaluation is eliminated given the need for specialized software to record user events. … Helpful for rare events, has high face validity, provides information on types of errors. … interactive interface for facilitating access to drug contraindications, cautions for use, interactions and adverse
    December 01, 2011 - Adverse drug events in ambulatory care. N Engl J Med 2003 Apr 17;348(16):1556-64. … Incidence and preventability of adverse drug events among older persons in the ambulatory setting. … Adverse events associated with prescription drug cost-sharing among poor and elderly persons. 2001

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