June 16, 2020 - Prenatal exposure to alcohol can lead to several adverse events and increases the risk of birth
defects … medical assistant and physician may
have overlooked the gap in time between alcohol use screening events … outcome of the first “phase” of translating knowledge in the narrative USAUDIT source into a series of events … FHIR) attributes that specify
the “status” of clinical concepts such as observations (e.g., screening events
May 01, 2020 - respective health IT products to
understand their readiness to implement CQL code and any potential adverse … the
calculated results
o Modifications to the EHR system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events … testing by the
implementer should be conducted to ensure that implementation of the artifact has no
September 01, 2022 - respective health IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL
code and any potential adverse … calculated results.
o Modifications to the EHR system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events … testing by the
implementer should be conducted to ensure that implementation of the artifact has no
September 01, 2019 - respective health
IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL code and any potential adverse … this component
o Modifications to the health IT system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events … Additionally, testing should be conducted to ensure that
implementation of the artifact has no adverse
September 01, 2021 - respective health IT products to
understand their readiness to implement CQL code and any potential adverse … with the
calculated results
o Modifications to the EHR system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events … testing by the
implementer should be conducted to ensure that implementation of the artifact has no
January 01, 2023 - respective health IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL
code and any potential adverse … o Modifications to the EHR system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events to call the CQL execution … testing by the
implementer should be conducted to ensure that implementation of the artifact has no
April 01, 2021 - the context of other considerations,
including patient preferences for taking medications, potential adverse
January 01, 2010 - the context of other considerations,
including patient preferences for taking medications, potential adverse
March 01, 2018 - IRB coordination and support in identifying and reporting any adverse events.
January 01, 2024 - respective health IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL
code and any potential adverse … o Modifications to the EHR system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events to call the CQL execution … testing by the
implementer should be conducted to ensure that implementation of the artifact has no
June 22, 2020 - Prenatal exposure to alcohol can lead to several adverse events and increases the risk of birth
defects … Guide
Version 1.0 June 22, 2020
have overlooked the gap in time between alcohol use screening events … Health Organization (WHO) Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) source into a series of events … FHIR) attributes that specify
the “status” of clinical concepts such as observations (e.g., screening events
June 22, 2020 - Prenatal exposure to alcohol can lead to several adverse events and increases the risk of birth
defects … Guide
Version 1.0 June 22, 2020
have overlooked the gap in time between alcohol use screening events … Health Organization (WHO) Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) source into a series of events … FHIR) attributes that specify
the “status” of clinical concepts such as observations (e.g., screening events
September 01, 2021 - respective health IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL code and
any potential adverse … this
o Modifications to the health IT system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events … Additionally, testing should be conducted to ensure
that implementation of the artifact has no adverse
January 01, 2022 - respective health
IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL code and any potential adverse … this component.
o Modifications to the health IT system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events … Additionally, testing should be conducted to ensure that
implementation of the artifact has no adverse
September 01, 2022 - respective health
IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL code and any potential adverse … this component.
o Modifications to the health IT system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events … Additionally, testing should be conducted to ensure that
implementation of the artifact has no adverse
January 01, 2023 - respective health
IT products to understand their readiness to implement CQL code and any potential adverse … o Modifications to the health IT system such that it will:
Trigger RESTful events to call the CQL … Additionally, testing should be conducted to ensure that
implementation of the artifact has no adverse
January 01, 2020 - resources, and products
American College of Preventive Medicine
events … of emerging technology used in
GI practice based on literature reviews
and crosschecks against FDA adverse … spec/BPMN/2.0/.
128 See generally https://www.iec.ch/homepage.
129 See, e.g., https://www.omg.org/events … /tn-19/special-events/BPM-Health-Workshop.htm.
130 See GRADE Working Group, available at https://www.gradeworkinggroup.org
January 01, 2023 - NDDF Also provides detailed information on
drug pharmacology, including dosing guidance, adverse event