October 01, 2011 - The paper is written little differently
than an academic review paper, though, and it is even being … See Remaining Issues, Executive Summary
ES-16 to ES-18; pp174-177 and 179-81;
Learning/academic Table … Impaired
functioning relates to social and academic developmental markers and
poses important dimensions … Heavily invested stakeholders (not just the industry but academic
medicine, journals, media etc. … -104) should clarify the
difference between achievement (as documented on standardized tests)
and academic
April 25, 2022 - private versus public)
Type of
(private versus public,
community versus
tertiary, academic … versus non-academic)
Community versus tertiary and
academic versus non-academic
types of facility
July 01, 2015 - • Academic Search Complete: This source provides information from a wide
range of academic areas … , including business, social sciences, humanities,
general academic, general science, education, and
May 19, 2010 - record for 356 advanced cancer patients in two settings: a Veterans Administration hospital and an academic … The JHH is a large academic medical center; patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy receive … These two urban academic centers shared many features, including relatively coordinated cancer care,
August 01, 2012 - Long-
term outcomes included changes in adaptive/functional
independence, academic and occupational … Treatment choices may target intermediate outcomes
including changes in communication skills, academic … total of 272 individuals with ASD,
and all were conducted in the United States, Canada,
or Europe in academic … Studies of
medical interventions were all conducted in academic
clinic settings, which may limit applicability … Study of compounds not yet on the market could be
facilitated with partnerships between the academic
September 01, 2018 - conducted at the University of North Carolina (UNC) General Internal Medicine (GIM) Clinic, a
large academic … conducted an initial online search for representatives of healthcare systems
using Epic EHR (both academic … and non-academic, of various sizes and from various regions of
the United States), such as clinic medical … Implementation and quality improvement of
a screening and counseling program for
unhealthy alcohol use in an academic
August 23, 2023 - • Are there non-research/non-academic data sources that you use? … We
will also ask key informants whether they are aware of additional non-academic or non-
research data … lifecycle OR "life cycle"
Environment Index (EbscoHOST)
Results – 120
Filter: Academic
August 23, 2023 - • Are there non-research/non-academic data sources that you use? … We
will also ask key informants whether they are aware of additional non-academic or non-
research data … lifecycle OR "life cycle"
Environment Index (EbscoHOST)
Results – 120
Filter: Academic
January 01, 2018 - It would be helpful
to give a rationale as to why other outcomes (academic
functioning, functional … Pg 70 Academic Performance - missing word after
"improvement" -- "in"
We have corrected the typo. … We classified it as
an “other approach” because it is
multimodal, including academic skills
support … They caused quite a stir in both the media and the
academic community. … Peer Reviewer #1 Discussion/
page 126--there is a double negative in the table on academic
January 01, 2012 - We used the key word search terms listed in Appendix A to search peer-reviewed
literature in academic … Peer-Reviewed Literature
We conducted a search of peer-reviewed literature in PubMed, ERIC, EBSCO’s Academic … While many polling firms
in the field are academic, the interviewee described important differences … between public polling
and academic polling. … Strategies for academic and clinician engagement in community-
participatory partnered research.
February 01, 2022 - expert, provides primary care with no particular
attention to survivorship); (3) degree of access to academic
August 18, 2023 - , academic and primary care: 13%
Clinic provincial jurisdiction
• Alberta: 12% (3/25)
• … US
NYU Division of
Pulmonary Medicine
(academic medical
COVID symptoms or related health … US
John Hopkins,
Children's Center
Chronic Fatigue Clinic
(academic medical
Clinic is … US
Penn Medicine COVID
Recovery Clinic
(academic medical
Key Informant 7
Harvard … US
University of Texas
San Antonio
(academic medical
Eligibility is kept open.
September 01, 2023 - Expanding research to disparate settings, including non-academic hospitals and
non-hospital settings
February 01, 2023 - primary care clinic visits,
hospitalizations, and
emergency department)
Mixed Yes
Academic … Knowledge, perceived
risk for developing
melanoma, and skin
Mixed No
Academic … (9-16 weeks), change in
daily steps (baseline to 8
week follow-up)
Positive No
Academic … outcomes
A1c, diabetes distress,
depressive symptoms,
No effect No
Academic … Delivery of screening and brief intervention for unhealthy
alcohol use in an urban academic Federally
December 21, 2023 - review, with the intention to
write to a relatively broad
audience yet retain a certain
level of academic … review, with the intention to
write to a relatively broad
audience yet retain a certain
level of academic … review, with the intention to
write to a relatively broad
audience yet retain a certain
level of academic
April 01, 2010 - record for 356 advanced cancer patients in two settings: a
Veterans Administration hospital and an academic … The JHH is a large academic medical center; patients undergoing chemotherapy
and radiation therapy receive … These two urban academic centers shared many features, including relatively coordinated
cancer care,
July 01, 2020 - Appropriate
Are physicians practicing at academic medical centers or hospitals designated as
May 20, 2013 - nurse, while antroduodenal manometry or colonic
scintigraphy can only be performed with experts at an
academic … standardized, emit no
radiation, reproducible and able to be made available in
locations remote from academic … The best of times and
the worst of times: sustaining the future of academic
gastroenterology in the … locally prior to the referral or if done in the academic
center were not always done consistently beyond … As a consequence, this method is
preferred in a number of academic centers in the US.
December 07, 2009 - repetitive and other maladaptive behaviors, psychological distress, adaptive skills development and academic … outcomes
Changes in long-term functional outcome areas, including adaptive independence/self care, academic
May 01, 2012 - Percentage Agreement Among Independent Reviewers, by Reviewer Academic
Training, Experience in Conducting … ‘ experience in conducting systematic
reviews, experience in evaluating strength of evidence, and academic … We found few differences in agreement based on reviewers‘ type of academic training (i.e.,
physician … RA); type of outcome (benefit vs. harm); academic training of the reviewer (physician vs. … Training
>= 10