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Showing results for "4.a-2 screening".

    July 01, 2023 - years to identify research and standards of practice on the need for and effectiveness of dental screening … After the title and abstract screening, 176 were assigned for full-text review. … diagnosed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).26 A total of 147 of these patients underwent a dental screening … infection occurrence in cohorts (2 prospective and 1 retrospective) of patients who received dental screenings … .23 It found the incidence of febrile neutropenia to be 12% in the patients who had received dental screenings
    December 01, 2020 - Practice Centers for literature search strategies, inclusion/exclusion of studies in our review, abstract screening … Articles included by either reviewer will undergo full-text screening. … At the full-text screening stage, two independent reviewers must agree on a final inclusion/exclusion … Chronic Pain Research Protocol Jul 22, 2024 Blood-based Tests for Multiple Cancer Screening
    July 01, 2022 - In addition, screening and clinical evaluation of potential comorbid psychiatric conditions is a key … paediatric[tiab] OR youths[tiab] 3 "Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders/diagnosis"[Majr] OR  massscreening[mesh] OR questionnaires[mesh] OR Interviews as Topic[Mesh] OR Psychometrics[Mesh] OR Psychiatric … Disorders"[Mesh] OR "Referral and Consultation"[Mesh] OR questionnaire[tiab] OR questionnaires[tiab] OR screening … and Followup Research Protocol Jul 22, 2024 Blood-based Tests for Multiple Cancer Screening
    January 01, 2017 - findings of 14 articles to recommend that weaning should be considered as early as possible; a daily screening … findings of 14 articles to recommend that weaning should be considered as early as possible; a daily screening … protocol significantly improved process measure compliance, comparing the pre-intervention rates of screening
    August 09, 2021 - First, screening mammography has resulted in increased detection of smaller tumors, and in countries … with widespread adoption of mammography screening, the majority of breast cancer is detected at an … Studies included by either reviewer will be retrieved for full-text screening.
    August 09, 2021 - First, screening mammography has resulted in increased detection of smaller tumors, and in countries … with widespread adoption of mammography screening, the majority of breast cancer is detected at an … Studies included by either reviewer will be retrieved for full-text screening.
    February 01, 2015 - Effectiveness Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs and biologics, medical devices, screening … horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs, devices, procedures, treatments, screening … cognitive measures in patients with AD or amnestic mild cognitive impairment; additionally, genetic- screening
    February 01, 2015 - Effectiveness Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs and biologics, medical devices, screening … horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs, devices, procedures, treatments, screening … cognitive measures in patients with AD or amnestic mild cognitive impairment; additionally, genetic- screening
    November 03, 2020 - Findings Fourteen (14) intervention studies were identified and examined screening tools to predict … None of the screening tools were tested in clinical practice to assess real-world results. … The most-studied interventions are screening tools to predict opioid-related harms but none have been … Adequate details of the literature screening and extraction processes are provided. … We have no evidence comparing screening tools in this population.
    November 03, 2020 - Findings Fourteen (14) intervention studies were identified and examined screening tools to predict … None of the screening tools were tested in clinical practice to assess real-world results. … The most-studied interventions are screening tools to predict opioid-related harms but none have been … Adequate details of the literature screening and extraction processes are provided. … We have no evidence comparing screening tools in this population.
    measures such as infant mortality, whereas high values are desirable for measures such as preventative screening
    November 29, 2023 - Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening … trial (MASAI): a clinical safety analysis of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening … artificial intelligence (AI) to be at least as accurate as radiologists in detecting breast cancer in screening … Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening … artificial intelligence (AI) to be at least as accurate as radiologists in detecting breast cancer in screening
    January 01, 2020 - In ambulatory care, these principles have improved preventive screenings, communication with patients
  14. Title (pdf file)
    September 13, 2012 - Correctional Health Care, an adult correctional facility must provide all inmates with standard mental health screening … Veysey, however, indicated that few jails provide a range of services, with most providing only intake screening … jails varied depending on the size of the facility.14 Small jails typically offered little more than screening … suicide prevention, whereas some large jails offered a comprehensive array of services that included screening … We plan to use the DistillerSR® Web-based systematic review software for abstract screening and data
  15. Title (pdf file)
    September 13, 2012 - Correctional Health Care, an adult correctional facility must provide all inmates with standard mental health screening … Veysey, however, indicated that few jails provide a range of services, with most providing only intake screening … jails varied depending on the size of the facility.14 Small jails typically offered little more than screening … suicide prevention, whereas some large jails offered a comprehensive array of services that included screening … We plan to use the DistillerSR® Web-based systematic review software for abstract screening and data
    September 13, 2013 - will be entered into the DistillerSR database (Evidence Partners, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) for screening … After practice screening of a random selection of 100 titles, titles and abstracts will be dually screened
    September 13, 2013 - will be entered into the DistillerSR database (Evidence Partners, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) for screening … After practice screening of a random selection of 100 titles, titles and abstracts will be dually screened
    March 15, 2009 - stroke_tools.php Relevant Recommendations from the USPSTF The USPSTF has made recommendations on screening … interventions for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, including recommendations on screening … stroke_tools.php Relevant Recommendations from the USPSTF The USPSTF has made recommendations on screening
    March 15, 2009 - stroke_tools.php Relevant Recommendations from the USPSTF The USPSTF has made recommendations on screening … interventions for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, including recommendations on screening … stroke_tools.php Relevant Recommendations from the USPSTF The USPSTF has made recommendations on screening
    January 01, 2012 - Effectiveness Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs and biologics, medical devices, screening … horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs, devices, procedures, treatments, screening … Barbershop-based medical screening and education programs No high-impact potential at this time 2. … Protocol-based patient care interventions include screening for cognitive impairment and delirium as … Also deemed important is routine screening for risk of adverse health outcomes, return visits, or