
Total Results: 2,921 records

Showing results for "4.a-2 screening".

    September 01, 2017 - The first section of the Self-Assessment is about screening for hospital transfer risk. … Let’s think about screening for potential hospital transfers by identifying residents at risk for hospital
    September 01, 2012 - Improving Patient Safety Systems for Patients With Limited English Proficiency: A Guide for Hospitals Improving Patient Safety Systems for Patients With Limited English Proficency A Guide for Hospitals The authors of this guide are responsible for its content. The opinions expressed in this document are thos…
    September 01, 2012 - Improving Patient Safety Systems for Patients With Limited English Proficiency: A Guide for Hospitals Improving Patient Safety Systems for Patients With Limited English Proficency A Guide for Hospitals The authors of this guide are responsible for its content. The opinions expressed in this document are thos…
    November 01, 2015 - many hospital is these automatic orders for urine cultures either based on a urine analysis, that's a screening
  5. Rafael Borja (doc file)
    September 09, 2014 - many hospital is these automatic orders for urine cultures either based on a urine analysis, that’s a screening
    January 01, 2024 - AHRQ Research Studies Sign up: AHRQ Research Studies Email updates Research Studies is a compilation of published research articles funded by AHRQ or authored by AHRQ researchers. Results 6026 to 6050 of 12214 Research Studies Displayed Pagination « first « First ‹ previous ‹‹ …
    January 01, 2014 - PowerPoint Presentation Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR): Grand Rounds Presentation Presenter: Timothy B. McDonald, MD, JD This presentation will introduce you to Communication and Optimal Resolution, or the CANDOR process. Some organizations struggle to improve the way they and their care teams respond…
    August 01, 2022 - Grand Rounds Presentation AHRQ Communication and Optimal Resolution Toolkit Say: This presentation will introduce you to Communication and Optimal Resolution, or the CANDOR process. Some organizations struggle to improve the way they and their care teams respond to medical harm. The CANDOR process a…
    January 01, 2012 - was formed with an occupational health organization that conducts mandatory health assessments and screenings
    October 01, 2020 - Sustainability Module: Facilitator Notes Slide 1: Sustainability Module Say: This module on Sustainability helps an organization maintain and sustain a process that has worked well at a unit level. This module is meant to augment the existing Spread module of the CUSP Toolkit while offering organization…
    October 01, 2020 - Implementing new clinical evidence, such as screening recommendations or treatment guidelines, usually
    January 31, 2024 - National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities-funded clinical trial to increase diabetes screening
  13. Rafael Borja (doc file)
    November 04, 2014 - Right now Ebola is chief among them, but in addition to dealing with personal protective equipment and screening
    January 01, 2015 - Project Summaries for ACTION III Projects Awarded in 2015 Project Summaries for ACTION III Projects Awarded in 2015 Title Contractor Amount Page Dissemination of AHRQ’s Safety Program for Nursing Homes—On-Time Pressure Ulcer Prevention NORC at the University of Chicago $1,482,070 2 Measurement for Perf…
    June 12, 2023 - established to identify people with Long COVID and deliver multidisciplinary health care services, such as screening
    December 01, 2023 - For each person, a series of questions was asked primarily about the receipt of preventive care or screening
    January 01, 2025 - Alcohol Use Screening and Counseling Only about one-third to one-half of Americans ages 35 and older … received alcohol use screening and counseling in 2015. … Depression Screening Fewer than half of all Americans ages 35 and older were screened for depression … Colon Cancer Screenings Among women ages 50–64, 61.2 percent received colon cancer screening in 2015,
    January 01, 2014 - Standardized infection ratios for central line-associated bloodstream infections and surgical site infections, 2009–2012 Part 4: Health Care of Residents of the U.S.-Mexico Border National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Chartbook on Health Care for Hispanics This part of the chartbook focuses on health …
    January 01, 2020 - SOPS™ Introducing the New SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0 webcast transcript October 2019 1 Introducing the New SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0 October 30, 2019 – Webcast Transcript Speakers: Laura Gray, M.P.H. Senior Study Director User Network for the AH…
    April 29, 2011 - Using the AHRQ Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture (SOPS) Using the AHRQ Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture Webinar Transcript April 29, 2011 A conference call conducted on April 29, 2011, provided users with an overview of the development and use of the Medical Office Survey on Patien…

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