January 01, 2005 - (This published NHAMCS statistic excludes
screening and diagnostic procedures and should be regarded … The form also includes information on
diagnostic and screening services and patient diagnoses. … Because the
report separates treatment procedures from diagnostic/screening procedures, we were not … HCUP (05/27/05) 8 ED Data Evaluation
diagnostic/screening procedures for each visit). … These statistics do not reflect patients receiving screening and diagnostic
procedures that may be included
January 01, 2012 - Methods Applying AHRQ Quality Indicators to Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Data for the Tenth (2012) NHQR and NHDR
HCUP Methods Series
Contact Information:
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20…
January 01, 2021 - Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infections.3
Healthcare providers and agencies can help prevent HAIs by screening
January 01, 2007 - 3819 0.05
9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 960 0.01
10: Immunizations and screening … 503 0.01
256: Medical examination/evaluation 2447 0.03
257: Other aftercare 7453 0.09
258: Other screening … Substance-related disorders 45963 0.57
662: Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 79 0.00
663: Screening
December 01, 2016 - Substance-related disorders
CCS 662: Suicidal ideation and intentional self-inflicted injury
CCS 663: Screening
January 01, 2009 - 1,789 0.05%
9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 573 0.02%
10: Immunizations and screening … 0.01%
256: Medical examination/evaluation 1,890 0.06%
257: Other aftercare 1,390 0.04%
258: Other screening … Substance-related disorders 11,475 0.34%
662: Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 260 0.01%
663: Screening
December 01, 2014 - 661: Substance-related disorders
662: Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury
663: Screening … conditions
75: Personal history of mental disorder; mental and behavioral problems; observation and screening
January 01, 2006 - 18968 0.05
9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 5340 0.01
10: Immunizations and screening … 127462 0.32
75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation and screening … 2806 0.01
256: Medical examination/evaluation 13106 0.03
257: Other aftercare 41587 0.11
258: Other screening
September 01, 2017 - Substance-related disorders
CCS 662: Suicidal ideation and intentional self-inflicted injury
CCS 663: Screening
January 01, 2004 - 3705 0.05
9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 1103 0.01
10: Immunizations and screening … 30311 0.38
75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation and
screening … 710 0.01
256: Medical examination/evaluation 2515 0.03
257: Other aftercare 10211 0.13
258: Other screening
January 01, 2020 - HCUP Tools for ICD-10-CM/PCS Loading Tutorial - Accessible Version
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Espanol …
January 01, 2010 - attempt to create uniformly defined
outpatient databases, AHRQ approved, starting with the 2004 data, screening
January 01, 2006 - 3820 0.05
9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 1084 0.01
10: Immunizations and screening … 25689 0.32
75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation and screening … 583 0.01
256: Medical examination/evaluation 2717 0.03
257: Other aftercare 8551 0.11
258: Other screening
January 01, 2013 - 0.05%
9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 3,945 0.01%
10: Immunizations and screening … 0.01%
256: Medical examination/evaluation 5,940 0.02%
257: Other aftercare 24,885 0.07%
258: Other screening … Substance-related disorders 214,490 0.60%
662: Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 2,625 0.01%
663: Screening
January 01, 2009 - attempt to create uniformly
defined outpatient databases, AHRQ approved, starting with the 2004 data, screening
December 01, 2019 - this publication
Trends in colorectal cancer admissions and stage at presentation: impact of screening
January 01, 2012 - 3,421 0.05%
9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 755 0.01%
10: Immunizations and screening … 0.01%
256: Medical examination/evaluation 1,337 0.02%
257: Other aftercare 5,293 0.07%
258: Other screening … Substance-related disorders 44,878 0.62%
662: Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 457 0.01%
663: Screening
January 01, 2009 - Microsoft Word - 2009-01.doc
HCUP Methods Series
Contact Information:
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850
For Technical Assistance with HCUP Products:
Email: hcup@ahrq…
October 01, 2016 - Essential hypertension
Other nervous system disorders
Other aftercare
January 01, 2005 - Excessive blood level of alcohol
V11.3 Personal history of mental disorder, alcoholism
V79.1 Special screening