
Total Results: 943 records

Showing results for "4.a-2 screening".

    January 01, 2024 - tool using self-reported data from US military service members and veterans, to assist clinicians in screening
    January 01, 2022 - led to improved electronic capabilities for information exchange, with pilots in pain management, screening … Case definitions and objectives Case Description Objective Case 1: Initial Diagnosis and Screening … Identify approaches to initial screening and diagnosis. … make the diagnosis of hypertension based on presented information or would they order additional screenings … In addition, four different use-cases – screening & monitoring, non-pharmacologic therapies, pharmacologic
    January 01, 2023 - Tool 9.1: Computer Skills Assessment D. Computer skills D1. Please tell us how confident you feel about performing each of the following computer and Internet tasks. (Computer self-efficacy items originally from Murphy, 1989, as used in UCLA Hospital IT User Satisfaction Survey; Internet i…
    January 01, 2012 - You receive a reminder for guideline-based interventions and/or screening tests 1 2 3 22.
    June 03, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template McMaster University EPC State of the Evidence: Health IT Evidence-Based Practice Center Reports Track 1 Medication Management Ann McKibbon MLS PhD Evidence Report Director MSc eHealth MM and HIT McMaster University …
    January 01, 2017 - Patient-Centered Postoperative Wound Surveillance Using Current Technology - Final Report Project title: Patient-Centered Postoperative Wound Surveillance Using Current Technology Principal Investigator: K. Craig Kent, MD Team Members: Sara Fernandes-Taylor, PhD; Dai Yamanouchi, MD, Rebecca Gunter, MD Organiza…
    January 01, 2017 - 1R01HS024371 (9/30/2015 –9/29/2018) Total: $1,457,203 Title: A Virtual Learning Collaborative for Alcohol Screening … "Integration and sustainability of alcohol screening, brief intervention, and pharmacotherapy in primary … "Organizational attributes and screening and brief intervention in primary care."
    January 01, 2014 - ICD-9 codes in the medical record, have uncontrolled HTN on two successive clinic visits prior to screening … codes in the medical record, have uncontrolled HTN on two successive clinic visits prior to screening
    January 01, 2023 - : Adults How 6 organizations developed tools and processes for social determinants of health screening … How 6 organizations developed tools and processes for social determinants of health screening in primary
    March 01, 2009 - CDSS includes Hypertension, Diabetes, cancer screening and preventive guidelines. 4.1 Using Clinical … Use CDSS to learn whether the patient is due for any screening tests or preventive care based on his
    January 01, 2011 - Rapid estimate of adult literacy in medicine: a shortened screening instrument.
    January 01, 2018 - Once recommended, the patient is sent for a visit with an epileptologist and, if indicated, surgical screening … Surgical screening takes 2-6 months. … At the completion of screening, patient records are reviewed by the entire surgical review committee … NLP is an emerging screening tool in epilepsy which can save providers and patients time and improve
    January 01, 2014 - codes were then applied to an additional sample of IS to verify their completeness. 1) referrals (to screeningScreening- breast, bowel, cervical, lung 2 4 2. … Screening advice 1 7. Treatment or behavioral goal statements 8.
    January 01, 2011 - Table 1 lists the measures that were administered to trial participants pre-randomization (at screening … ) Highest education completed: Master's degree or higher 137 (17.4%) 51 (18.8%) Computer use at screening … Computer use at screening: Days of computer use in past 7 days 6.1 (1.7) 6.0 (1.6) 0.5879 Computer … use at screening: Health IT use score 1.9 (1.3) 1.9 (1.4) 0.6796 Computer use at screening: Comfortable … In order to participate in the trial, older adults had to first respond to a brief mailed screening
  15. Funnels and Quilts (pdf file)
    May 26, 2011 - health improvement Public health lab reporting Public health surveillance Research Clinical trials screening
    November 18, 2008 - Dorr_Care_Mgmt_Disc_Guide             OHSU Care Management (CMP) Discussion Guide Ver4.0 CMP Team 11/18/2008 Life of a case under Care Management Outline 1. Introduction (15 minutes) 2. Day in the life (30 minutes) 3. Process mapping (30 minutes) 4. Bene…
    January 01, 2007 - After formal screening, eligible parent-child dyads completed informed consent.
    January 01, 2008 - Preventive measures (breast cancer screen; colon cancer screening; cervical cancer screening) were reviewed … There were, however, declines in mammography screening noted at three sites and no change at a fourth … Eligible diabetic patients with mammogram in last 24 months 18 Pap Screening During … Eligible diabetic patients with PAP smear Colorectal Cancer Screening. … Eligible diabetic patients with colorectal cancer screen Allergy Screening.
    December 01, 2006 - :: 13 :: :: 14 :: What public health-health care exchange achieves Examples: • Sharing newborn screening
    January 01, 2011 - AHRQ CDS TEP In-Person Meeting - August 2011 - CDSC Usability Technical Expert Panel Assessing the Usability and Accessibility of Clinical Decision Support Dean F. Sittig August 4, 2011 3:55 pm – 4:15 pm Need Many Kinds of CDS • Medication dosing support • Order sets & order routing • Charting tem…

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